Sunday Worship & Teaching
We love building the Kingdom.
Our main goal is to tell others the
Good News of Jesus Christ!
Each week our Pastors use current, relevant teaching tools,
visuals, music and first hand accounts
to express how God works in our lives.
We pray for all of you and your households. If you need anything, please contact us.
We love you all!
Visit our to get involved
Every Sunday before and after church services, our Book Nook will have information for you on upcoming events, outreaches, fellowship opportunities and what we are collecting for the month for Susan’s Market.
We also keep a lovely variety of bibles, book marks, gifts, and crosses for our members cross wall. we try to keep everything reasonably priced for you and all proceeds go directly to CrossPointe outreaches.
If you are in need of assistance with food or utilities, please contact us and let us know how we can help. Email
Pastor, Don Rodgers
“It’s not a Faith Problem, it’s Your Unbelief”
Pastor Don Rodgers, “Managing your Tongue”

for more information.
Susan’s Market
Through United Faith Alliance, CrossPointe has partnered up with local churches to collect much needed supplies and toiletries to donate to families in our area. You may visit them directly.
. – Pastor Terry sermon “Fighting the Fight” – Pastor Don Rodgers Matthew 21:22 “Ask, believing and you shall receive” – Pastor Don Rodgers preaching about Not Limiting God! 4/29/18 – Chosen Worship Set 4/29/18 – Chosen Worship Set 3/11/18
Pastor Terry Ray preaching following our power outage 10/22/17
The Chosen Praise Team Acoustic set following our power outage – picture is dark but the sound is wonderful. Enjoy!
Praise & Worship Set 10/29/17
Praise & Worship Set 11/5/17
Chosen Worship Event “Encounter” – Break Every Chain Live
Chosen Worship Event “Encounter” – It is Well Live