Join us every Sunday for Praise & Worship and Bible Based Teaching!
Service starts at 10:45
Doors open at 10:30
Join us for Fellowship, Coffee & Treats
prior to service in the Ray Hall
722 3rd Avenue north, Texas City TX 77518
Welcome To CrossPointe Community Church
You are God’s workmanship, created in Christ to do good works! We’ll help you discover how amazing life can be when you surrender all to Jesus.
Welcome to the Family!
We are just a group of imperfect people striving to live a life for God. No matter where you are in this life, we hope you will find a place to connect to Jesus. If you are looking for a place of love & truth, you have found it. Come check us out and feel God’s love for you!
Dr. Terry Ray
Founding Pastor
Pastor Ray was born in La Marque, Texas and raised right here in Texas City. He is a teacher and coach by day and a wonderful servant of the Lord. With over 35 years in Ministry, Pastor Ray is a wonderful leader and guide for our church and we have been so blessed to have him.
Donald Rodgers
& Curtis Roque
alternate weekly Sunday sermons and also lead our Wednesday night bible study and prayer time at 6:30 pm along with Donnie Martin. They delve in deeper each week on what
we are learning on Sunday mornings and give our congregation a chance to ask questions and put scripture with the information.
The Chosen
Our Praise & Worship Team at CrossPointe is named “The Chosen”. The Bible talks about Christians being “A Chosen People”, set aside to do the Good Works of God here on earth and we believe it is important to sing praises and give heartfelt worship to God and let others see us doing so openly. 1 Peter 2:9 says “but you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness and into His marvelous light.”
Children’s Ministry
Has resumed and is open to all ages!
The focus of our Children’s Ministry Team is all about the kids and teaching them how important they are to The Lord and also how much of a difference they can make to the world around them. Our Leaders, and many other awesome volunteers, make learning about the Bible fun and exciting for our next generation. Every Sunday is filled with praise and worship and great informative lessons for the kids. And they can earn points to shop in the kids store each week by bringing their bibles to class, memorizing their bible verses and bringing can goods for our food pantry.
722 3rd Ave.N. Texas City, TX 77590
Email: patrodgers22@comcast.net
We would love to pray with you. Please contact one of our Pastors or send us an email.
Pastor Terry Ray:
Pastor Don Rodgers:
To know Jesus
and to make Him known to others.

Our mission and vision is to transform the hearts of people
by introducing them to Jesus Christ and encouraging them to have a close and personal relationship with Jesus where they know Him as Lord, King and Savior. We believe there is physical, emotional and spiritual transformation
the instant a person accepts Jesus into their hearts.
By knowing more about Jesus,
we become more like Him. By being more like Jesus,
we can minister to others with love and
acceptance just as He did.
Ignite Your Faith!
Get Connected!
We love serving in ministry. Our sole aim is to steward faith and to create a deeper relationship with God. Our programs are developed to grow your faith and fellowship by serving others. No one here is paid a salary, even our Pastors, so that we can do more for our community with outreaches, food and necessities. We collect items monthly for Susan’s Pantry Community outreach center and The Women’s Home Pregnancy center.
F.I.G.H.T. C.L.U.B.
Youth Group
Is a fun and active youth group for ages 12 through young adult. They tackle issues that effect our kids in today’s society and have open, loving conversations in a safe, confident environment with their peers while learning about God’s Word. Teen Bibles are provided. FIGHT CLUB meets after Praise and Worship on Sunday mornings.
Come Praise with us!
We are a come as you are church and just want to share God’s love with the world!
Looking for a supportive group of Christians to help when the seas of life get rough? God is here for you and we are here for you! You are never alone. Come visit and let us pray with you and help you. We are all perfectly imperfect!

We donate directly to Susan’s Market &
The Pregnancy Support Center in Texas City

Check in your kiddos at the front desk and join the adults in main service. Our Children’s Minister’s provide an aged based message while incorporating fun activities for the kids to keep them involved. They can also earn points to spend in the store to buy fun goodies.

Mondays 10:am to 2:pm – Join them weekly for crafts, fellowship, decorating, preparing the church for the week, lunch and lots of fun!

We Worship The Lord In Giving

We give as an act of worship.
We ask big, pray big, and expect big things!
The Bible says to bring your tithes to the storehouse and that means a tithe of 10%. It goes on to say that you can not out-give God and that by giving to others you will receive far more
than you can imagine in return.
Here at CrossPointe, you can feel confident that 100% of your tithes and offerings are going to support our ministries and outreach programs. All of our staff and leaders are here on a total volunteer basis. None of us receive salaries, and only the couple that drive long distances, receive gas money weekly. All that is given is given back to the community and those in need.
What a blessed opportunity that is for us!
Sunday Worship & Teaching
We love building the Kingdom.
Our main goal is to tell others the
Good News of Jesus Christ!
Each week our Pastors use current, relevant teaching tools,
visuals, music and first hand accounts
to express how God works in our lives.
We pray for all of you and your households. If you need anything, please contact us.
We love you all!
Visit our to get involved
Every Sunday before and after church services, our Book Nook will have information for you on upcoming events, outreaches, fellowship opportunities and what we are collecting for the month for Susan’s Market.
We also keep a lovely variety of bibles, book marks, gifts, and crosses for our members cross wall. we try to keep everything reasonably priced for you and all proceeds go directly to CrossPointe outreaches.
If you are in need of assistance with food or utilities, please contact us and let us know how we can help. Email patrodgers22@comcast.net
Pastor, Don Rodgers
“It’s not a Faith Problem, it’s Your Unbelief”
Pastor Don Rodgers, “Managing your Tongue”

for more information.
Susan’s Market
Through United Faith Alliance, CrossPointe has partnered up with local churches to collect much needed supplies and toiletries to donate to families in our area. You may visit them directly.
https://youtu.be/4aFvb1oBcTY – Pastor Terry sermon “Fighting the Fight”
https://youtu.be/UWEWMQqdWC8 – Pastor Don Rodgers Matthew 21:22 “Ask, believing and you shall receive”
https://youtu.be/uxE7PavjGGw – Pastor Don Rodgers preaching about Not Limiting God! 4/29/18
https://youtu.be/An4ZjLcd0Bc – Chosen Worship Set 4/29/18
https://youtu.be/J3oZIOFbvvc – Chosen Worship Set 3/11/18
Pastor Terry Ray preaching following our power outage 10/22/17
The Chosen Praise Team Acoustic set following our power outage – picture is dark but the sound is wonderful. Enjoy!
Praise & Worship Set 10/29/17
Praise & Worship Set 11/5/17
Chosen Worship Event “Encounter” – Break Every Chain Live
Chosen Worship Event “Encounter” – It is Well Live